Exit 236. I don’t play that game.

Actress Brie Larson, who plays Captain Marvel in the movie of the same title currently in theaters, has stated that the press covering her films are overwhelmingly white and male (https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/brie-larson-doesnt-want-captain-marvel-press-tour-to-be-overwhelmingly-white-male).  She has made a big deal of wanting her press corps to be inclusive. So I’m going to write about this movie, specifically because I’m a white male and I don’t play the identity politics game.

It was good.  I enjoyed it. I’ve seen all of the Marvel movies at some point, and since Captain Marvel is going to be in Avengers Endgame, this movie is part of the story.  But since it is primarily an origin story, it mostly works on its own as a standalone movie, for someone who hasn’t seen the other Marvel movies. Occasionally, I felt like Brie’s acting was a little flat, but not nearly enough to make the movie not enjoyable.  When Captain Marvel arrives on Earth, she lands in Los Angeles in 1995, and, of course, I loved all the 1995 pop-culture references. I was 18-19 in 1995. That was my time.

That’s all.  I’m obviously not a professional movie reviewer.

But I think Goose the cat needs to get his own movie.  I’d totally watch that.


  1. Hmm well I’m all for more inclusivity, and I do like the leading lady role so good on Marvel as long as it’s done well. I’ve not seen this yet but I’m looking forward to it! =]

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